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Seyfo a Genocide

Assyrian Genocide

Seyfo a Genocide


68 minutes

English subtitles

A documentary film on the mass killing of Aramaic-speaking Christians in the Ottoman Empire during and after the First World War. These Christians lived in Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran and were known as Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs or Arameans. Several centuries ago, Western people called them Nestorians or Jacobites. This genocide is nammed Seyfo (or Sayfo) that means 'sword' in Aramaic. This film has been made by Robert Alaux and Nahro Beth Kinne from 2003 to 2022. The majority of the descendants of the survivors of these massacres now live in Western countries. Several specialists and scholars participated in this documentary: Joseph Yacoub, Florence Hellot-Bellier, Sébastien de Courtois, Sabri Atman, Mor Julius Cicek  ... A first version of this film was released in 2005 (Seyfo l'elimination). 

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Seyfo a genocide (2022) (English subtitles). Full length documentary film
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Exerpts from the
documentary film
'Seyfo a Genocide'


21 minutes

English subtitles

The last Assyrians

This video is a montage of extracts from the documentary film 'Seyfo a Genocide' (2022) by Robert Alaux and Nahro Beth-Kinne. 

YouTube did not make this video restricted: you can easily view it.

The last Assyrians

53 minutes


THE LAST ASSYRIANS - 53 min. Full length documentary film
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THE LAST ASSYRIANS is a documentary film (53 minutes) directed by Robert Alaux and produced by Lieurac Productions on the identity, History and the current tragic situation of Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Aramean Christians, who still speak Aramaic. In this film the famous Specialist Sebastian Brock (Oxford University) tells us their old History. And Joseph Yacoub, French Scholar and ChaldoAssyrian himself, help us to understand the situation. This documentary is the result of a six years work , and of many travels and shootings in South-East Turkey (TurAbdin…), Iraq (before and after March 2003), Syria, USA and Europe. The communities that live now in France, Switzerland, Holland, Sweden or Germany are among the last Christians of Turkey, they fled this country 20-30 years ago. Today, they continue to leave Iraq. . This is the first documentary which tells the complete history of this People, from the beginning of the Aramaic language to the current Diaspora. This Documentary was successfully projected in France, England, Belgium, Lebanon, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand etc. and broadcast on several TV Channels. The film has been completed in 2003 (2004 for the English version). This film received congratulations and support from Theophilus George Saliba, Syrian Orthodox Archbishop; Mar Narsai de Baz, Archbishop of the Assyrian Church of the East; Mor Samuel Aktas Archbishop of the TurAbdin; Cardinal Moussa Daoud, Patriarche Emerite d’Antioche des Syriens, Prefetto della Congregatio Pro Ecclesiis Orientalibus, managing all the Oriental Catholic Churches in Vatican; and from several Scholars , Specialists and political leaders (Yonadam Kanna, former ChaldoAssyrians Representative in the Iraqi Governing Council, P. Isho-Warda, Minister in the Iraqi Government…). Robert Alaux received an award from the Syriac League in Lebanon in September 2004 during the Symposium Syriacum gathering Specialists of the whole world ; and another from the CIDA, Center for Information and Documentation Assyria, in the Netherlands on 20th January 2005

Qaraqosh 2010
CARACOCHE Qaraqosh Chrétiens d'Irak, de Robert Alaux
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Seyfo l'elimination (Syriac)

Avant l'attentat de Bagdad le 31 octobre 2010, ce reportage (France 2) a été l'un des tous premiers à évoquer la protection de la ville chrétienne de Qaraqosh dans la plaine de Ninive au Nord Irak. On y voit entre autre le Père Najeeb Mickhael et son formidable travail de sauvetage des manuscrits orientaux anciens, c'était bien avant qu'il ne fuit Qaraqosh sous la pression de l'Etat Islamique.

Seyfo l'elimination (in Syriac)

52 minutes


Seyfo l'élimination 1915 le génocide Assyrien en Syriaque
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The last Assyrians-Arabic/Syriac

'Seyfo l'elimination' is one of the very first documentary films on the genocide which affected the Assyrian Syriac Chaldean Christians during the First World War, it was perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1920. This film was realised in French in 2005. Here is the version in Western Syriac language. 

the last Assyrians  الفلم الوثاىْقي  اخر الاشوريين بالسريانية ومترجم للعربي
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The last Assyrian in Arabic / Syriac

53 minutes



Arabic / Syriac version of 'The last Assyrians' - 2003- 53 minutes


aRobert portrait2_edited.jpg

Robert Alaux est réalisateur de documentaire, directeur de production et consultant. Il a travaillé sur plus de 50 documentaires pour diverses chaines de télévision (Arte, France Télévisions ... ). Il travaille sur la question des Chrétiens assyriens chaldéens syriaques araméens du Moyen-Orient depuis plus de 25 ans. Il enseigne en mastère et licence dans les domaines de l'audiovisuel, du web et de la datascience. Il a une double formation: scientifique (mathématiques supérieures, mathématiques spéciales, diplôme d'ingénieur grande école) et cinématographique (réalisation et production) ainsi qu'un diplôme de stratégie digitale web. 


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